
With the endless meter of climbing and descending tones, the piano haltingly at first, settles into a rhythmic scale. Moving from one tone to the next, repeating the process, this is not the sound of Bach nor is it the simple melody of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star; it is repetitive and relentless hour, after hour,…

Following Grace

            “It is a light within which illumines the face of God and casts new shadows and new glories upon our faces.  It is a seed stirring to life if we do not choke it.  It is Shekinah of the soul, the presence in the midst.  Here is the slumbering Christ…

Bees and Butterflies

I wonder if God prefers the bee over the butterfly merely because he produces honey.  The bee works with purpose, collecting, cooling and serving the hive. The butterfly on the other hand, is a solitary creature working only on individual transformation by eating incessantly and eventually adds simple beauty to the world. I cannot imagine…