Dandelion Wishes

She runs through the meadow, carefree, letting the tall grasses softly tickle the palms of her hands. Stopping, she turns her face towards the breeze and closes her eyes. While the breeze immerses her face with a gentle cooling touch, she hears the chirping and chattering of song birds. The meadow with its background of…

Small closet blessing!

It comes as quite a surprise to me that I am indeed thankful for my small closet. My husband and I moved into a small farm house after raising our children in a large expansive house. I would have argued that I needed a walk in closet last year but there were simply no walk-in…

When Somber Moments Pounce!

My mom and dad stopped by for a visit yesterday. Kari was in town to surprise Zach’s for his birthday so it was a fun family day. There was one moment, however that took me by surprise. My mom stopped, looked at me and mentioned that my brother has been gone for seven years. It…

It is simple, let it be!

Life is simple. I know that you can argue with that statement, but don’t. If you are a writer, start writing. If you are a painter, start painting. Now don’t get me wrong. Simple is not easy it is just not complicated. I have a friend who constantly reminds me to stop getting heady. He…