Passion? ……No Time!

Passion seems to be a word we see more often than we did ten years ago. It is common to see a platitude like, Find your passion, plastered on a friend’s Facebook wall weekly. I often ask people what their passion is and I get more blank stares, and I don’t really know answers, than…

Showing up….truth in writing, jazz, and basketball!

Showing up! It sounds so easy. Like most of my New Year Resolutions, I have a burst of energy and determination to show up initially but then I hit a wall. I show up and stare blankly at my computer screen. I type a couple really bad; run on sentences, frustrated, I get up to…

Coke Commercial…loved it!

How do you view America? I think that may determine whether or not you liked the Coke commercial that aired at the Super bowl. Do you think that Americans all speak the same language and share the same value system? Do you think that America is a nation where Christianity is supposed to be the…

Choose a new path

“…Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” (Robert Frost in his poem The Road Not Taken) In pondering the roads that I have passed by in my lifetime, I realize that often the road you choose against is more like…